Realtor Profile Picture
Michica Guillory

Designations: AHWD, C2EX, GRI, TACS, TRLP, TRRS

The Guillory Group
Missouri City
(832) 768-1711

Mobile: (832) 768-1711

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如果要讨论德州2021十大正规彩票app行业的开拓者打破壁垒, then broker Michica ‘Mish’ Guillory must be added to the dialogue. 在简历上简单地罗列出一些常见的重点项目,比如23年以上的2021十大正规彩票app工作经验, 拥有住宅和商业交易的经验,并拥有自己的精品经纪公司-吉罗伊集团2021十大正规彩票app公司, Inc. 但这还不足以说明她在2021十大正规彩票app行业取得的真正成就.

作为一名黑人女性和全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会(National Association of REALTORS®)的骄傲成员, Mish在行业中拥有历史上的“第一”记录,有时她是唯一一个做她正在做的事情的人. Here’s a glimpse of some of her achievements:

• In 2014, 她开设了德克萨斯州唯一一家获得trec许可的2021十大正规彩票app学校,专门从事商业2021十大正规彩票app教育.

• She is the first person, 她是第一位获得Texas REALTORS®德州认证商业专家认证的女性和第一位非裔美国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人.

• 她是一群精英教育工作者之一-在200多名教育工作者中不到10人-拥有高级讲师的头衔,并且是仅有的两位拥有德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人头衔的非洲裔美国人之一.

• In 2021, 那一年是德克萨斯州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人商业委员会首次有三位女性担任其任命的前三位主席职位, Vice Chair and Liaison, with Michica holding the 3rd position of liaison.

• 她在2022年担任副主席后,现在是商业委员会主席.

• Adding to her list of real estate firsts, Mish是第一位同时担任Texas REALTORS®执行委员会商业委员和商业委员会主席的非裔美国人.

• Mish也是广受欢迎的“商业租赁101®”商业2021十大正规彩票app训练营式系列课程的创造者, 从加州到德克萨斯州再到乔治亚州的2021十大正规彩票app专业人士都受到过这样的待遇. And yes, 这位女商人很聪明,她拥有自己作品的版权和商标, which several have foolishly attempted to duplicate!

If it’s not already apparent, 米什的热情是商业2021十大正规彩票app,专注于租赁和物业管理. 在她成功的职业生涯中,她穿过很多鞋子——有些是细高跟鞋,有些是钢头靴子! While managing properties for institutional level investors and landlords, 她为一些世界上最大的全球企业租户追回了超过六位数的未报销费用,并为政府机构追回了五位数的未报销费用. Those who know her often say affectionately, “Mish don’t play.”


Houston Association of REALTORS®: Mish was re-appointed in 2021 to serve again as the Virtual Engage Conference Co-Chair; published or quoted several times in “Houston REALTOR® Magazine” and a former member of the Professional Development Advisory Board. She’s also served on the TREPAC Advisory Group, the Professional Development Advisory Group, the Risk Reduction Advisory Group as well as the Safety Task Force. Mish is also a major contributor to TREPAC at the Sterling R level.

Texas REALTORS®:Michica是2021-23董事会休斯顿地区代表的骄傲成员, currently serving as the Commercial Appointee to the Executive Board. She is also the current Chair of the Commercial Committee. Again, she’s served on the Member Benefits Committee, is a designation instructor (TACS, GRI和AHWD),并在“Texas REALTOR®杂志”上偶尔发表和引用.”

全国2021十大正规彩票app经纪人协会®:米什是“商业联系杂志”顾问团队的前成员,并在该出版物上发表过文章, as well.

If you’re not a member of Houston’s real estate community, 那么你可能会把她看作是福克斯26频道《2021十大正规彩票app》的2021十大正规彩票app和一般撰稿人,” which also appears on the streaming Fox Soul platform.

与此同时,密歇根有着强烈的职业道德,并相信应该赋予崭露头角的企业家权力. To this end, 她通过与休斯顿商业发展局的创造性合作伙伴关系分享了她的2021十大正规彩票app课程, Inc., the City of Houston’s “Liftoff Houston Business Plan Competition,” the National Association of Women Business Owners, the Bay Area Commercial Real Estate Network and more. She’s also developed a special curriculum called B.Y.O.B. (Be Your Own Boss),适合想要学习如何成为企业家的受薪员工.

In her spare time, she’s a tremendous advocate of community service. Michica served for 8 years on the Houston Livestock Show & 罗迪欧的回收委员会,其中三年是委员会的队长. She also served for 3 years as a rodeo scholarship judge. 她已经连续工作了25年,在Alief ISD和Aldine ISD为新生和高年级学生提供服务,被称为“优秀女性”和“杰出女性”,” respectively. 这项服务是在2020年COVID隔离后项目关闭的结果.

She has served on the board of the local chapter of the NAACP, 曾担任可口可乐公司黑人历史月奖学金评委数年, moderated a community event for the March of Dimes, built homes with the Habitat for Humanity, 为当地一个为有身体或智力残疾儿童的母亲举办的“母亲节外出”活动做保姆, 并担任了6年的休斯顿感恩节超级盛宴委员会成员.

About Me

Michica N. 20多年来,吉洛里一直是休斯敦商业地产界的常客, conducting both residential and commercial transactions. 现在,她拥有了自己的精品经纪公司——吉罗伊集团2021十大正规彩票app公司. – she also owns The Guillory Group School of Real Estate, 专门教授商业租赁交易的“基础和超越”. 它是德克萨斯州唯一一家专注于商业租赁教育的国家许可2021十大正规彩票app学校.

My Market Areas

Fort Bend, Galveston, Harris, Montgomery

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